About Capacity Vault

Capacity Vault was created after our founder's granddad was diagnosed with vascular dementia.

As a solicitor, Oliver had told countless clients to "just" go and get a capacity assessment.

When he had to organise one for his own family he was:

  • Shocked at how hard it could be to get an appointment with just 600 professional assessors in the country;
  • Worried at the prohibitive cost (at £800-£2,000 per assessment); and
  • Concerned that with his grandfather's intermittent capacity the assessor could arrive on a "bad" day.

Oliver looked to emergent technologies for a solution and, with his team, created Capacity Vault.

John Gann

Rev John Gann - 1930-2022

Our mission

We use technology to help elderly and vulnerable users protect their legal and financial wishes.

Thousands of people (and their loved ones) live in fear of their wishes being challenged after they have died, or after they have become so poorly they cannot represent themselves.

Our digital capacity snapshots can be used as evidence at court if a will or power of attorney is challenged at court.

How we innovate

Capacity Vault has been created to ensure that everyone can protect their wishes.

Previously the only way to reliably get evidence of your mental capacity was to see a solicitor, a doctor, or a capacity assessor every time you made a will or power of attorney. For elderly, poorly and those with dementia-related diagnoses this is very expensive.

With Capacity Vault you can create evidence that will be kept forever. Our evidence is stamped with a unique tamper-proof and legally verifiable code.

If your wishes are challenged we provide verifiable copies of the original to the court along with all the necessary oaths, declarations and paperwork the court needs to use our snapshot of your capacity as evidence.

Our team

The team behind capacity vault consist of solicitors, barristers, will writers, and specialist programmers and designers.

Oliver Asha

Oliver Asha

Oliver is the head of product at Capacity Vault. A qualified solicitor, member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and affilate at the Association of Lifetime Lawyers. Oliver saw the real problems and injustices caused to vulnerable adults – especially when it came to making wills and end of life planning. Since 2008 Oliver has been dedicated to making legal services accessible, safe and secure to all.


Andrii Romakh

Andrii is the multiple award-winning lead developer for Capacity Vault with a wealth of experience in FinTech and LegalTech product development. He has a particular interest in security, encryption and safe handling of client data.

Rachel Wood

Rachel Wood

Rachel heads the Partnerships team at Capacity Vault. She has worked extensively within sales in verticals including Legal, Finance and Training.



Olya cultivates the user experience for Capacity Vault. Olya has used her design skills and experience to ensure that users of all ages and of all abilities can access and record their Capacity Vault entries. Inspiration and advice was taken from government guidance, leading dementia and elderly care charities and medical experts.

Leigh Sagar

Leigh Sagar

Leigh acted as a consultant barrister during the design and development of Capacity Vault. Leigh advised on the scripts to be used, to ensure Capacity Vault gathers the right information from users. Leigh also called upon his experience to ensure that Capacity Vault recordings can be provided to the Courts in the form of admissible evidence. Leigh is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS). Leigh is the Chairman of the STEP Digital Assets Special Interest Group.



Marie has drawn upon her decades of experience managing major projects for banking companies and other international institutions. Marie ensures that the end users needs are kept front and centre of our system as it evolves and adapts.

What our users say


Stuart Phelan - AMG Wills

My clients are impressed by the product & how easy to use the service and website is.


Rebekah Maxell - TWP

"I offer it to every client. When I update my will I’ll use Capacity Vault.”

Busby's logo

Jo Pondsford - Busby's Solicitors

"I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just use it.”

Awards and recognition

Legal Growth Awards 2024

Winner: Legal Growth Awards 2024 - Legal Service Provider

This category recognised Capacity Vault for demonstrating excellence in delivering their services within the legal service sector.

Capacity Vault provides peace of mind for clients at excellent value with minimum input needed by Estate Planning professionals

LexisNexis Awards 2024

Winner: LexisNexis Awards 2024 - Best Innovation

These awards showcase innovators in all areas of law on a national and international scale. The Award for Best Supplier Innovation is given for breaking new ground in legaltech and addressing key risks in the legal profession.

Modern Law Private Client Awards Best Use of Technology Winner

Winner: Modern Law Private Client Awards 2023 - Best Use of Technology

A business that: (1) Adopted a technology-based tool, technique, or system creating a significant competitive advantage over the past 12 months; (2) Demonstrated how the technology improved the service; (3) Evidenced strong teamwork and co-operation; and (4) Shown innovation in the conception and delivery of the technology.

Modern Law Private Client Awards Best Innovation Winner

Winner: Modern Law Private Client Awards 2023 - Best Innovation

This award recognises: (1) A sustained success through a product or service launched over the last year; (2) Has challenged conventional thinking; (3) The innovation has transformed a key element of a department’s culture or performance; and (4) They have broken new ground in the delivery of their services to clients

Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards - 2023

Winner: Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 2023 - Making a Difference in Legacy Giving

Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards celebrate excellence and reward innovation in the legacy giving sector.

Capacity Vault was recognised for reducing the risk fo challenged wills in the sector.

Will Writing Firm of the Year, National - Digilegal Ltd

British Wills & Probate Awards - Will Writing Firm of the Year - National

On the back of implementation of Capacity Vault the will writing firm Digilegal Ltd was highly commended as will writing firm of the year

Capacity Vault is registered at Companies House, Company No. 13721399.

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